Take control of your online experience with Cal-Ore’s ExperienceIQ

Cal-Ore’s ExperienceIQ allows you to take control of your online experience.  Allowing you to easily create and enforce online rules for the users and devices on your network. 


With ExperienceIQ you can block access to websites that host inappropriate content. Allowing you to keep inappropriate content off your network. ExperienceIQ includes a comprehensive list of apps that can be either blocked or allowed for each profile.  You can also search for a specific one and either allow or block it.


If you want to limit employees amount of time online, ExperienceIQ allows you to schedule time during which internet access will be blocked.  You can also build profiles for each user, and determine the days of the week and times of day when the internet will be available for use.


With ExperienceIQ you can prioritize activities, applications, and devices by ordering them from top to bottom. Allowing you to pick which activities are the most important.  Once set, your priorities will do all the work to prioritize traffic.


ExperienceIQ provides valuable feedback such as the amount of time that are being spent on various applications.  It analyzes data traffic to determine how much time is being spent online broken down to daily, weekly, and monthly periods.
